Ecoclean Connect Remote Service & Digitalization - Know what’s happening. Yesterday, today and tomorrow.

This innovative cloud-based solution optimizes production planning, equipment availability, documentation as well as interfacing with higher-level control systems. In this manner, Ecoclean Connect boosts your productivity and competitiveness.

Production is being transformed by the advances in digitalization and networking of manufacturing processes. The objectives of Industry 4.0 are to optimize the efficiency of operations, to create competitive edges, to spur growth and thus to future-proof businesses. The industrial parts cleaning industry also faces new challenges in this regard. One such challenge is to make intelligent use of the mass of data whose collection is already state of the art today, given the permanent acquisition, monitoring and logging of various machine parameters such as pressures, temperatures, power consumption and operating hours.

To this end, Ecoclean has developed the innovative cloud-based solution called Ecoclean Connect. Defined data generated by the machine control system are transmitted by safe link to the cloud for storage, evaluation and intelligent integration using the latest technologies and infrastructure. Multiple cleaning machines can be included into a comprehensive fleet management program.


The Ecoclean Connect visualization is implemented in the form of
dashboards on desktops or tablets:

  • Condition monitoring: Acquisition of process and production data
    including history
  • Documentation: Documentation and tracing requirements
    towards your customers
  • Production planning: Utilisation and production planning
    for current and future orders
  • Predictive maintenance: Scheduling of maintenance work
    and preventive measures
  • Connectivity: Standard interface for networking with
    higher-level control structure


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